With Finn’s fascination of all things super hero…we knew it was time to gather all the super heros for one big day of action packed fun! Finn and his daddy delivered invitations in manilla envelopes marked “TOP SECRET” and addressed to each of the kids superhero name. Some of those in attendance were:
The unsinkable Carson Brown
The Incrdible Hulk “Hoggan” Boys
The Kent “Clark” kids
Wonder Boy “Boles”
The high flying daredevil (this was for Finn’s uncle Blake, who is a pilot and may be his #1 hero)
Cat Girl and Wolverine (as to elude to Finn’s cat loving aunt Tracy and very hairy uncle Micah)
oh…and my personal favorite…Fat Man and Robin (for Finn’s Grandpa and Nanny) among many others. We had a good laugh putting these together.

To set the scene we took some of the many cardboard boxes from our garage and painted them gray. We then took black and yellow paint samples we had gathered from Home Depot and attached them to the boxes to create lights on our buildings. It was a simple and cheap way to create a cartoon city! Grandpa then ran his custom made slip n’ slide under the tower of buildings.
Some Super Heroes came flying in with their capes, but for those that didn’t we had a super solution….
Upon arrival each each of the kids grabbed a bag and decorated their own superhero mask made from felt. We also took standard kitchen trash bags and cinched them to create capes in which the kids could decorate (many thanks to Aunt Tracy for coming up with that one!). It was so fun to watch the kids running around the yard all dressed up.
Luckily Finn’s Aunt Kindsday got a hold of him that day to play dress up. They gathered everything that they could from his room…and then Kindsay fashioned a SUPER “S” from our left over felt. I think he looked SUPER cute. Undies over the p.j.’s always a good look.

My little Milla had fun getting into costume too. She is always all about the accessories.
Each place setting held a water gun and that day each SUPER Hero got to be “Faster than a speeding bullet”….
This led to knocking over buildings in sheer delight…
and a serious SUPER Hero stand off in a battle of tug-o-war on the slip in slide.
Their strength amazed us all! 🙂
They were also able to leap tall buildings in a single bound but decided it was more fun to knock them down.
Like every Super Hero they also had to conquer their weaknesses. We had a kryptonite hunt where the kids gathered all the sparkly green rocks we had spray painted days earlier and hid. They had to be carefully contained in the kryptonite case but the kids did it with the greatest of ease.
They also had to survive the rope swing and the custom made slide into the pool that grandpa built.
as well as THE VOLCANO! Finn is currently AS equally obsessed with Volcanoes as Super Heros… so we knew that if we could find a way to incorporate one into the party we would make his day. Finn and his daddy spent time constructing the project and painting the volcano in the garage and by party time it was ready to explode.
The kids all gathered around and waited for the diet coke and mento e
rruption. It was big smiles, squeels and excitement from them! …followed by a “let’s do that again” daddy!

The day finished up with presents and Finn’s very own capes! He actually got two which he puts to very good use. He is always wearing one of them wherever he goes.

Lastly, what is a birthday without a cake? The
Sweet Cheeks girls delivered big time for me on this one. I was so excited to see what they would come up with and they took the inspiration and ran with it! They made all of finn’s cake dreams come true!! …He could not stop talking about his cake or nibbling on it prior to candle time. 🙂 Many thanks to everyone over there for being so awesome!!

Many more wishes to come until next year!